Running and Using the Recorders

Command Line Signatures

Failed to extract help message

Failed to extract help message

Failed to extract help message

Failed to extract help message

Systemd User Services

The various data recorder pipelines can be launched as systemd user services. The included utils/ helps with defining these services:

usage: [-h] [–config CONFIG] [-p ANACONDA_PATH]

[-e CONDA_ENV] [-b | -s | -f | -t | -a] [-c]

generate systemd service files for the data recorder pipelines

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--config CONFIG

JSON file that specifies the data recorder mappings (default: service_config.json)


root path to anaconda install to use (default: /opt/miniconda3)

-e CONDA_ENV, --conda-env CONDA_ENV

anaconda enviroment name to use (default: datarecorder)

-b, --power-beams

only generate/clean the power beam services (default: False)

-s, --slow-visibilities

only generate/clean the slow visibitlies services (default: False)

-f, --fast-visibilities

only generate/clean the fast visibilities services (default: False)

-t, --t-engines

only generate/clean the T-engine services (default: False)

-a, --all

generate/clean all services (default: True)

-c, --clean

delete the generated services (default: False)

These services are configured for the lwacalim cluster to be run under the pipeline user by default.

Interacting with the Pipelines

You can read monitoring points or send a command to a pipeline with the mnc.mcs module:

>>> from mnc.mcs import Client
>>> # Create an anonymous client to talk to various subsystems
>>> c = Client()
>>> # Read the "bifrost/pipeline_lag" monitor point from the first power
>>> # beam (dr1)
>>> lag = c.read_monitor_point('bifrost/pipeline_lag', 'dr1')
>>> print(lag)
6.689624s at 2021-06-02 14:37:06.760481
>>> # Read a monitor point that does not exist
>>> lag = c.read_monitor_point('bifrost/pipeline_', 'dr1')
>>> print(lag)
>>> # Send a "ping" command to the first power beam
>>> response = c.send_command('dr1', 'ping')
>>> print(response)
(True, {'sequence_id': '12a3606ac3b011eb9eb410bf48e38102',
'timestamp': 1622644655.9322925, 'status': 'success',
'response': 'pong'})
>>> # Send a "ping" command to a subsystem that does not exist
>>> response = c.send_command('a_cat', 'ping')
>>> print(response)
(False, '5d42c5acc3b011eb9eb410bf48e38102')
>>> # Send a command "record" command to the first power beam
>>> from mnc.common import LWATime
>>> t_now =
>>> mjd_now = int(t_now.mjd)
>>> mpm_now = int((t_now.mjd - mjd_now)*86400.0*1000.0)
>>> response = c.send_command('dr1', 'record',
>>> print(response)
(True, {'sequence_id': '76c6013ec3b411eb9eb410bf48e38102',
'timestamp': 1622646541.9380054, 'status': 'success',
'response': {'filename': '/home/jdowell/CodeSafe/ovro_data_recorder/059367_76c6013ec3b411eb9eb410bf48e38102'}})